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Editor X Simplified: Width | Wix Fix

Editor X Simplified: Width | Wix Fix

Welcome back to the Wix Fix series! In our previous post, we simplified the complicated topic of height and dynamic values in Editor X. If you missed it, you can check it out here. Now, it's time for the second episode of our Editor X Simplified Series, where we're going to learn about width and how to make your website designs look beautiful and responsive on all devices.

In today's post, we'll dive into the different width values available in Editor X and how to use them effectively. Let's get started!

Pixels vs. Percentages and Fixed vs. Fluid Width

First of all, it's important to understand the differences between fixed and fluid width values in Editor X. Fixed width values, as the name implies, remain the same regardless of the screen size. These are measured in pixels and represent a specific size on the screen.

In contrast, fluid width values are dynamic and adjust automatically to the screen size. These are measured in percentages, meaning the size of the element will be relative to the size of its container or the viewport.

For example, let's imagine you've added a simple shape element to your webpage, like a rectangle. If you set the width to fixed, your element will maintain its specific width in pixels no matter what. However, if you set the width to fluid and use a percentage value, your element will adjust its width in proportion to the browser window or its container.

Here's how to switch between fixed and fluid width values in Editor X:

1. Drag a shape element (like a rectangle) onto your canvas.

2. In the Design Panel on the right side, switch from "Fixed" to "Fluid."

3. Notice that the width value changes from pixels to a percentage.

Now, when you adjust the screen size, you'll see that the fluid element resizes accordingly. It's ideal for creating responsive designs that look great on different devices.

Other Width Values in Editor X

In addition to fixed and fluid width values, Editor X offers other options for setting the width of your elements. To see these options, click the percentage icon next to the width value. You'll see a list of available width units, including:

- Auto: The element will automatically take up the available space based on its content.

- Fraction (Fr): The element's width will be a fraction of the total available space in its container. This is helpful for creating flexible grids.

- Viewport Width (VW): This unit is based on the size of the viewport, or the visible area of the webpage. A value of 1 VW equals 1% of the viewport width.

By experimenting with these different width units, you can create a variety of responsive layouts that adapt seamlessly to any device.

Why Width Matters in Responsive Design

Having a grasp on how to manipulate the width of elements in Editor X is a crucial skill for any web designer, particularly as more and more people access websites on mobile devices. According to Statista, over 50% of worldwide website traffic now comes from mobile devices. That means if your website isn't responsive and doesn't look great on different screen sizes, you could be missing out on valuable visitors and potential customers.

By using fluid width values, percentage-based widths, and other dynamic units, you can ensure that your web designs look and function beautifully, no matter what device they're being viewed on.

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So, what are you waiting for? Start simplifying your life and widening your skillset with Editor X today. Happy designing!

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