Editor X
Daniel Aristizábal explores custom menus | Class with | Editor X
Daniel Aristizábal explores custom menus | Class with | Editor X
Hey there, design enthusiasts! We recently discovered an amazing video by Annie at Editor X where she demonstrates how to take a basic navigation menu and apply custom style changes to create a truly unique experience for your website. In this blog post, we're going to discuss the key takeaways from the video and delve into why custom menus are perfect for those Monthly NoCode Design Challenges we all love so much. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of custom menus with the help of Editor X - a web creation platform built for design fanatics like you and me!
Getting Started with Custom Menus in Editor X
Annie starts by showing us a beautiful site she's been working on, created using Editor X's layouter – a flex tool that adapts to every screen size. Noticing that her header looks a bit crowded on the mobile version, she hides certain elements and moves her logo for a cleaner appearance. Crucially, any style changes made on Editor X only roll over to smaller breakpoints, so her header remains intact on tablet and desktop devices.
Now, it's time for the fun part: customizing the menu! Using the open menu and the inspector panel, you can control the exact size, position, and behavior of any element on your site. For instance, Annie sets her menu to cover half the page, and increases the opacity of the background. She also adds links to her Behance and Instagram accounts for added personalization.
Adding pages to the menu is a breeze - just click on the home button (which appears in every menu by default), and choose the pages you want to include from the 'Manage Menu' option. Next, it's time to customize the text by heading over to the design panel, where you can select the perfect font and size, as well as set the color for your text.
Monthly NoCode Design Challenges
Armed with your newfound custom menu knowledge, why not give our Monthly NoCode Design Challenges a shot? At livelearning.editorx.io, we invite you to join our community of budding creatives and showcase your impressive design skills. There are even prizes to be won!
With Editor X's powerful custom menu options, you can easily create standout designs that'll catch the eyes of judges and visitors alike. Plus, when you join our community, you'll have access to invaluable mentoring designed to help you build a successful design business and further your career.
So, What's Next?
Are you feeling inspired to create your own unique designs using Editor X's custom menu features? We sure hope so! By playing around with different fonts, colors, sizes, and positions, you'll be well on your way to creating a website that truly stands out from the crowd.
Remember, at livelearning.editorx.io, we're here to support, guide, and challenge you on your design journey. So, be sure to join our community, participate in our Monthly NoCode Design Challenges and, most of all, have fun exploring the endless possibilities of Editor X's custom menus.
Happy designing!