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Click Interactions in Editor X | Wix Fix

Click Interactions in Editor X | Wix Fix

!Corgi and bush

Are you struggling to find ways to make your website stand out? Look no further because in today's article, we have the perfect solution for you! We will show you how to set up click interactions in Editor X, a Wix feature that allows you to create really cool effects on your website. Not only will this help improve the overall user experience for your visitors, but it will also inspire you to get creative with your design. So, buckle up and let's dive into the world of click interactions!

Live Learning Editor X ( is a fantastic platform that offers monthly NoCode Design Challenges with exciting prizes, giving you the perfect motivation to join their growing community. The platform also provides valuable mentoring to help you build your design businesses and advance your career. So, if you are looking to learn more about web design, this is the place to be.

Now, back to click interactions! While our example is a simple and fun project, it will demonstrate how easy it is to incorporate this technique into your own website. We'll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating an interactive Corgi dog, surrounded by a bush. Ready to get started? Let's go!

Step 1: Add Elements to Your Page

Begin by adding elements to your page, such as the Corgi dog and a bush. Select the Corgi image and place it at the center and bottom of the page. Adjust the width to approximately 40, and position the dog a little lower on the page.

Next, insert the bush element and set the width to 100. Align the bush to the center and bottom of the page, just like the Corgi. You can also give the bush a negative pixel value (e.g., -100) to create some overlap between the elements.

Step 2: Create a Custom Click Interaction

Click on the bush element, then navigate to the interactions panel on the right-hand side. Select "Add Effect" and choose to create a custom effect. For this example, name the effect something like "Move Bush Effect."

With your custom effect created, it's time to start designing the interaction! The goal here is to move the bush downwards to reveal the hidden Corgi dog.

Step 3: Set Up the Move Bush Effect

Adjust the bush's position by giving it a pixel value of around 300 (this number will vary depending on your design preferences). The optimal effect should reveal the Corgi dog underneath the bush when the interaction is triggered. Once you have fine-tuned this positioning, save the custom effect.

Step 4: Add a Trigger to Activate the Effect

Now, you need to set up a trigger that will activate the Move Bush Effect. For example, you can use a button or a specific section of your page as the trigger. When the user clicks the button or the designated section, the bush will move, unveiling the adorable Corgi dog hiding beneath it!

In the interactions panel, choose "Add Trigger" for the "Move Bush Effect." You'll then be able to select the desired element (i.e., the button or section) that, when clicked, will activate the interactive effect.

With your trigger established, your click interaction is now fully set up and ready for testing!

Wrapping Up

Click interactions are an incredibly useful and engaging feature provided by Wix's Editor X. While our example showcases a playful use of this feature, the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating interactive and user-friendly websites.

So why wait? Start experimenting with click interactions on your own website and join the Live Learning Editor X community ( to take part in their monthly NoCode Design Challenges. You'll not only enhance your design skills but also learn new techniques and gain valuable mentoring to help grow your business and career.

Don't forget to have fun while you're at it! Keep exploring, and unleash your creativity with the help of Editor X and click interactions. Happy designing!

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